Link Church

Linking people to God and to each other


"The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results." James 5: 16b (NLT)


Prayer is simply communicating with God, telling Him about whatever is on your mind and listening to hear what He may say to you. We believe that God hears and answers prayer today and it is a vital part of our lives.

Can we pray for you? Contact us in the church office or come along to one of our meetings. Prayer requests will be treated confidentially if desired.

Prayer Meetings
Our weekly Prayer Meeting takes place each Wednesday, starting at 10.30 am and ending around 12.00 pm. We believe that God can heal and would like to offer prayer for healing during this meeting. If you or someone you know would like to receive prayer, please contact the church office and this will be arranged for you. You do not have to stay to the whole prayer meeting to receive prayer. 

Houses of Prayer
We have a number of houses around our local communities where people meet regularly to pray for their neighbours, local community, schools, local services, businesses, wider area, personal situations. Some of the houses of prayer meet weekly and others less regularly and some may meet for an hour and some for longer. It is not about everyone doing the same thing but rather that we are increasingly in prayer  to seek Gods best for those around us.